A future with less emissions

It’s Zero Emissions Day today – an annual international day of action to demand a future without air pollution. 🌍 On this day, we want to raise awareness of the need for zero-emission transportation in the cities and share a few insights on how our service is a part of a more fossil-free future.
Avoid emissions on the go
According to the European Commission, 12% of CO2 emissions in Europe are directly related to passenger cars1, and 96% of the urban population in Europe is exposed to harmful levels of pollution, making air pollution a major health concern in Europe2. Road transport is here the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases and the largest emitter of NOx.
Traffic density and the derived health-threatening air pollution require action and one of the changes can be made through shared mobility options. At GreenMobility, we believe that the number of cars can be lowered through shared mobility, while the utility rate of existing cars goes up and the pollution lowers.
GreenMobility’s service helps improve the environment in the cities in terms of reducing emissions of soot particles, SO2 and NOx, reducing pollution, and contributing to cities with less noise and congestion. On an average trip in a GreenMobility car, our users avoid approx 1,2 kg. of CO2 compared to the same trip made in a gasoline or diesel car.
Reducing private cars in the city
There are not enough resources on the planet for everyone to own a car. Right now, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and this number is expected to increase to approx. 68% by 20503. Therefore, we need better utilization of the resources already available.
By offering on-demand free-float carsharing, GreenMobility aspires to reduce private car ownership and the expenses of this ownership in urban areas (registration fees, tolls, insurance, and parking) resulting in a better traffic flow and reduced parking load. We believe in the power of shared mobility: fewer cars that are used by as many people as possible. Every day, our cars are shared by thousands of people which helps remove private cars from the cities and lowers pollution.
International studies show that shareable cars can remove 6-11 private cars from the streets. And at GreenMobility, we are already on the path towards fewer private cars in the city whereas our latest customer survey shows that 35% have already sold or omitted to buy a car because they use GreenMobility. This has increased by 7% from 2021.

A sustainable DNA
Sustainability is in our DNA. Our shared cars have from day one been 100% electric, do not emit harmful emissions when driving and are made of 90% recyclable material, whereas the interior fabrics are made of 100% recyclable materials. When our cars are not able to drive anymore, we make sure that at least 96% of a car is reused.
Transparency in sustainability reporting
At GreenMobility, we push for transparency in sustainability reporting. This way we not only keep ourselves accountable but also our suppliers. Every year, we report on our sustainable efforts in our ESG report. This month, GreenMobility was recognized among Danish SMEs for our sustainability report, for the second time in a row.
Learn more about how we’re shaping cities made for living in our sustainability report: https://www.greenmobility.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/GreenMobility-Sustainability-report-2021.pdf

Drive & win
You can participate by taking a trip in a GreenMobility car between the 21st of September and Sunday the 25th of September and increase your chance of winning a 1-day package (worth DKK 550) for every trip you take. We draw a random winner among all the trips on Monday. Terms apply.
- European Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/clima/eu-action/transport-emissions/road-transport-reducing-co2-emissions-vehicles/co2-emission-performance-standards-cars-and-vans_en
- European Environment Agency: https://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/vast-majority-of-europes-urban
- World Helth Organisation: https://www.who.int/health-topics/urban-health#tab=tab_