Our sustainable approach
Here at GreenMobility, we take a holistic view at sustainability.
We take pride in being part of transitioning the
transportation sector through a shared mobility option
for urban areas with a fleet of free-floating electric vehicles
to secure more sustainable, greener, and cleaner cities.
Read our comprehensive ESG and Sustainability Report 2022 here
“We fight for cleaner cities, democratization of transportation and more electric vehicles on the streets”
Why GreenMobility is a sustainable business
Green charging
To ensure a minimal carbon footprint of our electric vehicles, we are sourcing electricity from renewable sources to the extent possible.
100% zero emission vehicles
Our fleet of electric vehicles do not emit any emissions from its exhaustion and are thus defined as zero emission vehicles compared to internal combustion engine vehicles.
Data compliant
Our customers can easily access and locate our cars and our customer’s data is kept safe with our cloud-based systems solution.
Transportation equity
By having an affordable and accessible mobility solution, we democratize transportation and make it equitable to everyone.
tonnes CO2 saved
total trips
EVs in operation
Working with UN's Sustainable Development Goals
By identifying our material issues, we were able to categorize the SDGs on a ladder, reflecting our level of impact and opportunity. SDG 11, SDG 12, and SDG 13 are ranked highest due to our direct impact on these goals.
SDG overview
We impact and contribute to SDG 11 by offering a shared mobility fleet of electric vehicles that reduces private car ownership, parking constraints, and traffic congestion.
We contribute to SDG 12 by ensuring that our value chain consists of responsible suppliers with high a business integrity and transparent business conduct.
We impact SDG 13 by strengthening resilience and adaptive climate-related hazards by reducing CO2 emissions from the transportation sector.

UN Global Compact
We are proud members of UN Global Compact since 2019. In 2020, we published our first Communication on Progress in the form of our ESG and Sustainability Report which fulfills the requirements of UN’s 10 principles and how we work with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner
Certified Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner since August 2021. We are delighted how this certification compliments and reflects our engagement in market transparency and in raising environmental standards.